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Dining Room Table and Chairs

I forgot to take a before picture but I have spent the last few days overhauling my dining table. I felt like I wanted to brighten the dining room a little as there was too much dark wood.

I couldn't part with the table as it has been in the family for over 80 years - as it is mine now I figured I can do what I like with it. My husband is appalled that I would paint an antique but life is short - may as well enjoy myself. Once I have departed the planet a traditionalist (aka someone who hates painted antiques) can always sand the paint off and re-stain it!

Step one as per usual is to give it a good clean with warm soapy water - I am always surprised how much dirt we can't see!

Step two - I roughly sanded the table top. You can see in the image below how much the colour is changing, I will coat this with a clear Polyurethane when I have it smooth enough.

Step 3 undercoated the legs with Zissner 123. I did two coats as I am painting the legs white and this will provide a better finish.

Step 4. Two coats paint on the legs. I used British Paints Salt and Sand.

Step 5. Two coats Clear Polyurethane over the whole thing. ( I haven't done this yet as I got bored of sanding back the top - will save that for another day!)

I found 4 x Art Deco Oak Dining chairs which suit the table for the bargain price of $50 on a Facebook Buy Swap and Sell page, but I didn't like the fabric of the seat covers so got my trusty staple gun out and recovered them with some fabric I found at St Vinnies for $1.50 - talk about a bargain makeover! I think the brightness of the cream and teal stripe really lifts the room.

To cover the chairs I literally popped out the seat and stapled the 'new' fabric - took all of 10 minutes to complete.

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